How Lifestyle Impacts Thyroid Health

How Lifestyle Impacts Thyroid Health

Your thyroid controls so many areas of your body — and will determine just how well you feel. And for many, these nagging symptoms make life tough to swallow.

Fatigue, chronic pain, sensitivity to cold, brain fog, weight gain, and more can make you feel less than thrilled about making lifestyle changes even when you know it may make you feel better. The truth is, pushing yourself to make lifestyle changes can have an incredible impact on your overall health. And, once you get that thyroid in check, everything is sure to fall in place.

Watch What You Eat

You are what you eat. How many times have you heard that phrase throughout your lifetime? It is one of those phrases that so many of us dismiss. But, had we known how true it was — maybe thyroid conditions and other diseases may not be so prevalent.

Our body requires a certain level of nutrition to work properly. This is especially true for the thyroid. For example, selenium, zinc, and iodine are all important for thyroid function, but many people have very low levels. Incorporating healthy eating habits into your life and undergo thorough blood testing to check the levels of your nutrients are great places to start.

Avoid highly processed food, as well as sugar, dairy, and gluten. Instead, indulge yourself in clean, whole foods like fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and so on.

Get Moving

You may not feel like getting up and exercising, but it is vital that you do. Believe it or not, pushing yourself to get moving – whether it is a walk around the block, a game of kickball with the family, or even swimming laps in your pool. Activity and movement can greatly impact your overall health.

Get Enough Sleep

When you sleep, your body is restoring itself. So when you don’t get quality sleep or you don’t get enough sleep, your body doesn’t have that opportunity. This can increase your feelings of fatigue.

Develop a nighttime routine that favors good sleep. If you don’t know where to start or you have other concerns about your sleep, it is a good idea to speak to a health professional.

Reduce Your Stress

When you are constantly stressed, your body has a regular flow of cortisol flowing through it. While cortisol is fine in small spurts, it is not meant to be a constant in your body. Especially because it harms your thyroid function.

Too much cortisol for too long can lead to an increase in your thyroid symptoms.

Take steps to get your stress under control. Understandably, some life situations won’t allow that, but change what you can and learn coping skills and stress management skills to dampen the impact of stress on your body.

Final Thoughts

Making lifestyle changes is not always an easy thing to do. And it is even more difficult when you are dealing with all the bothersome symptoms of an ailing thyroid.

It is important to remind yourself, though, that these small changes will lead to big changes in how you feel. Aren’t you ready to feel better?

To learn more about a natural approach to your thyroid, contact Dr. Randy Hansbrough and his team at (772) 287-7701. Or sign up for a free, 30-minute consultation.

Together, let’s change your life!

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