Can Hypothyroidism Cause Headaches?

Can Hypothyroidism Cause Headaches?

Headaches can be the result of so many things, from tension and stress to struggling vision to lack of caffeine – and more. They are common and not something that too many people invest too much interest in. That is, of course, unless they are migraines.

Migraine headaches are much more than just a headache. Migraines are constant pain that is throbbing or pulsating and often makes you want nauseous or vomit. They can affect your mood, cause sensitivity to light and sound, and make you fatigued.

Those who have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism may experience headaches – and migraines. So, what is the connection? Does hypothyroidism cause headaches?


Your thyroid controls all the processes within your body. When it is not functioning properly, things can go awry. Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone. As a result, the processes within the body slow down. What are the most common symptoms associated with a thyroid that does not produce enough hormones?

And headaches.

Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain published an article that showed findings of those with migraines were 41% more likely to have hypothyroidism and 21% with headaches were to have hypothyroidism. There are many debates about whether one comes before the other.

Headaches and thyroid are so common together that healthcare professionals have dubbed it the thyroid headache. This headache is a combination of a regular headache and a migraine above. It is usually a one-sided headache with throbbing or pulsating pain and often comes with feelings of nausea or vomiting.


When a patient appears in a doctor’s office with complaints of a headache, it is common for the doctor to focus on the headache. Is it from stress? When was the last time vision was checked? Spending too much time in front of a computer? How is the blood pressure?

All too often patients walk out with a prescription of a drug that is supposed to help reduce the occurrence or the severity of the headaches. For some, this may be the answer they are looking for. But, for those with an underlying thyroid condition such as hypothyroidism, this prescription is only masking a symptom of a bigger problem.

It is important for medical professionals to do thorough lab testing to get to the root cause of the headaches. They are a common ailment and may not stem from anywhere except dealing with the tension of a tough day at the office and then coming home to screaming kids. Then again, your thyroid could be slacking and causing all sorts of internal issues for the body.

If you would like to know more about your thyroid, headaches, or ways to naturally heal your body, then contact Dr. Randy Hansbrough and his team at (772) 287-7701. Or schedule a free, 30-minute consultation by clicking here.

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