Blogs and Articles

Risk Factors For Thyroid Disease
Your thyroid is a tiny, butterfly-shaped gland that is located in your neck. It’s important to know about the thyroid because it plays a huge and important role in your body’s hormones – hormones that are in charge of making sure your entire body is running properly!
Stress and Your Thyroid: The Importance of Self-Care
Being diagnosed with a thyroid disorder means that stress will now play a much different – albeit larger – role in your life. Whether physical or emotional stress, your thyroid will respond by sending your body into fight mode.
6 Foods for Thyroid Health
Your thyroid gland is the one gland in your body that must be working at its optimum potential to burn fat in your body. The thyroid produces a thyroid hormone, this hormone will jump-start your metabolism.
Signs of an Unhealthy Gut
If the words unhealthy gut got your attention – or made your stomach rumble – then pay attention. Whether currently or at some point in your life, you have or will have had some sort of digestive issues that left you looking for some answers.
10 Signs You May Have Neuropathy
Neuropathy is the result of damage caused to your nerves. These particular nerves, sometimes referred to as peripheral nerves, are located on the outside of your spinal cord and brain.
Hashimoto’s and Gluten Don’t Mix
How Lifestyle Impacts Thyroid Health
Your thyroid controls so many areas of your body — and will determine just how well you feel. And for many, these nagging symptoms make life tough to swallow.
Hashimoto’s Hypothyroidism and Glutathione
If you or someone you love suffers from hypothyroidism caused by the autoimmune condition Hashimoto’s, then you understand just how important it is to take care of your health.
Seasonal Affective Disorder – Or Your Thyroid?
Seasonal Affective Disorder, also fittingly referred to as the acronym SAD, is a type of depression that occurs with the seasons. It can, of course, happen during any season, but most individuals experience symptoms during the fall and winter months.
Difference Between Hypo- and Hyper-thyroidism
We hear the terms hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism tossed around so much that we may not even realize that there is a difference. And those who don’t hear well (or those who don’t pay much attention) may not even realize they are two different words.
Exercise and Your Brain
We have heard many times over just how much the body needs exercise. It gets the muscles and the joints moving – and the blood flowing throughout our cardiovascular system. But, did you know that your brain can actually benefit from exercise, too? It’s true – there are many neurological benefits to staying physically active.
Sugar and Your Thyroid
Halloween will be here before you know it. And that means bowls of sugary treats gathered for a night of trick-or-treating are likely to be found everywhere you go. Deep down, no matter how good it tastes, you know that all that sugar cannot be good for your health. But, did you know that it can actually aggravate your thyroid? Before you reach for that chocolate bar, read this.