Migraine Treatment in Stuart, FL


Do you suffer from migraines? For those who have never had them, they are hard to describe because even the most brutal, dark description doesn’t really scrape the surface of how a migraine truly feels.

Whether you have reached out to your family doctor or you have tried to endure the painful experience on your own, it is time that you knew there is often more to your migraine than just another headache .Believe it or not, a significant percentage of those who suffer from migraines have also been diagnosed with a thyroid condition. By improving the thyroid, the migraines typically decline in severity and frequency. Have you considered discovering where your migraines come from? Perhaps it is time that you do.

What is a migraine and how are they different from a regular headache?

If you have never had a migraine, you may think that it’s just an intense headache. But, migraine sufferers will tell you that there is much more to a migraine. Let’s take a look at the key symptoms of each.

Headaches: They often cause ache and pressure in the head, whether on the back of the head, on the forehead, or on one or both sides of the forehead. There are multiple types, such as those caused by tension and stress, and those caused by sinus pressure.

Migraines: These are often headaches with many additional, painful symptoms. Many with migraines often present with one or more of the following and may only affect one side of the head:

In fact, migraines can be so intense that some people begin feeling sensations before a migraine arrives. These sensations may consist of tingling or vision changes. Depression, constipation, neck stiffness, and mood changes may also appear subtly as symptoms prior to the onset of a migraine.

While over-the-counter pain medication may work to alleviate a headache, they usually don’t even scrape the surface of the pain associated with migraines. Most migraine sufferers try to avoid triggers that they know will lead to one, such as anxiety and alcohol. However, some triggers cannot be managed directly, such as fluctuations in hormones.

All in all, migraines are painful and are more of a concern than a regular headache.

Is there a link between the thyroid and migraines?

There is a definite link between your thyroid and migraines. As studies are continuously finding, if the thyroid is not performing its job properly, the result can lead to triggers for migraines. For example, as we learned above, hormonal changes can trigger a migraine. And, your thyroid just happens to be responsible for releasing hormones into your bloodstream. When hormone production slows down, causing a change, a condition, known as hypothyroidism, can leave you susceptible to migraines.

Another factor that connects these two is the fact that the thyroid and its release of hormones control how well the body works – and how well it maintains its temperature. Often, with hypothyroidism, individuals complain of being cold. This sensitivity to temperature is usually due to the drop in your body’s temperature. This is a known trigger for migraines.

What are the other symptoms of hypothyroidism?

Hypothyroidism is just one of the conditions of a dysfunctional thyroid. Your thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland that is found in the front of your neck. It is tiny, but it has a big responsibility when it comes to maintaining the functions of your body.

Your thyroid releases hormones that travel through your bloodstream to all of your organs and other tissues. If your thyroid fails to produce and release enough of this hormone – or any at all – your body’s organs will not be able to do their job properly. And, eventually, your entire body begins to slow down.

This is hypothyroidism.

In other words, it is an underactive thyroid gland. And, in addition to headaches and migraines, a slow thyroid has been linked to other symptoms, such as:

Without giving attention to your body and these symptoms, your thyroid will continue to malfunction and may cause more pain and ailments down the road.

I can’t take these migraines anymore and need relief. Can you help?

Yes! We can absolutely help get you on the road to feeling better and reducing the frequency and intensity of your migraines. By completing a thorough workup of blood and other lab tests, we will have what we need to determine the root cause of your pain. From there, we can work together to create a wellness plan that will help you begin healing naturally.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio: https://www.pexels.com/photo/pensive-woman-looking-at-window-3769012/